About me!
I am a software overengineer1 working on things like the Internet’s interoperability, privacy and related topics. I also do other stuff on occasion.
Stuff I know
Ordered by level of knowledge and the amount of time I spend yelling at each.
- JavaScript. All flavors.
- Rust. Everything oxidizes if you give it enough time.
- Ruby. Sometimes even on Rails!
- C/C++/C#. Yes, I grouped C, C++, and C# together, and there is nothing you can do about that.
Abbreviated career history
- Currently: Web Superglue Engineer at Mozilla.
- Diagnosing “weird edge-cases” in the web, figuring out where and why stuff breaks.
- Communicating, coordinating, and collaborating across different teams/organizations/web developers/browser vendors/spec bodies/… to resolve issues and to keep the web usable for our users.
- Some freelancing and contracting work, web development, and some very specific (and NDAed) automation/communication stuff.
- Full-time at a Web Development Agency.
- Planning and building websites and web applications, finding the intersection between what customers say they want and what they actually want.
A more complete history may be available on LinkedIn.
- diaspora*, a federated social network built on Ruby on Rails and lots of JS.
- Was involved in the project for 11 years. Did some coding, helping contributors, lots of project management-things, and so on. Stopped actively working on diaspora* because I wanted to focus on other things.
- camo-rs, an HTTP proxy for assets (mainly images) to route requests through an always-encrypted connection, written in Rust. You might know the project this was inspired from: the original
originated at GitHub, where it is responsible for proxying all external assets embedded inside Markdown files and other places.
There are more things I could mention, and I am bad at keeping this updated, so it is probably a good idea to check my GitHub profile. These days, I tend to build most of my projects in private for reasons(tm), so please do reach out to me if you want to know more.
Other things I do
- Photography.
- Occasional hardware projects. Microcontrollers are fun, and a wonderful place to overengineer things.
- Occasional 3D/GFX/VFX stuff.
- Finding new and exciting ways to convince game engines to display pretty stuff for me. (This used to say “game development”, but building games is not really what I do.)
Want to talk?

Uh, oh, okay! Amazing, do it! I promise I will read your message and reply if you want a reply!
Via eMail
- mail@dennis-schubert.de (PGP) for general stuff
- dschubert@mozilla.com (PGP) for anything related to my work at Mozilla
I am sometimes bad at eMail, so replies may be delayed. Sorry about that!
Social media
- denschub@pod.geraspora.de on diaspora* (mention me!)
- @denschub@schub.social on Mastodon
- @denschub on Twitter (DMs are open - maybe - who knows what Musk is doing)
- denschub on GitHub
- denschub on LinkedIn
Instant messaging
If I do not reply, please use asynchronous messaging.
Artsy things
- Ko-Fi for those few folks who want to buy me a coffee or two because they really like something I did.
Other “denschub”s on the internet might be me, but there are a couple of fake ones out there, so beware.
This is just a piece of text to make both columns in the desktop view roughly the same height. You are awesome, have a great day!
But am I really overengineering everything, you might ask. Well, for work stuff, the answer is no! Although I usually like to take “likely edge-cases” into account, I do not spend my time working on stuff nobody cares about. However, for my private projects, things might be different! I mean, you are reading a footnote right now; what did you expect? ↩